RRC 4th Grade - Lab Zones
Lab Zone 

Life Science

~What are living things made of?
(viewing the cells of an onion peel)

Lab Zone 

Life Science

~How does shape affect bone strength?
(finding the strength of square and round shapes)

Lab Zone

Life Science

~How can some diseases spread?
(using flour to show how pathogens could be spread)

Lab Zone

Earth Science

~How does water change state?
(measuring the expansion of water in the frozen state & the lowering of temperature) 


Lab Zone

Physical Science

A banana phase changes (which is an example of a physical change), and becomes a BAMMER (banana/hammer) when heat is removed.  This is done when exposing it to extreme cold (-12 degrees or greater works best).  Thanks to Jonathan Yuhas - meteorologist from KARE-11- for the BAMMER idea!


Lab Zone

Physical Science

A chemical change occurs when baking soda and vinegar are combined.  When combined they make carbon dioxide.  This CO2 is the bubbles and fizzing you see.

Lab Zone

Physical Science

~What properties cause liquids to form layers?
(using corn syrup, dishwashing liquid, corn oil, and water to show differing density)

Lab Zone

Physical Science

~How can you make things warmer?
(using various items such as an eraser, paper clip, and student's hands to show how you can raise the temperature of an object)

Lab Zone

Physical Science

~How can static electricity affect objects?
(using wool cloth & balloon to create static electricity and discuss positive & negative charges)


Lab Zone

Physical Science

~What is an electromagnet?
(an electromagnet is created using insulated wire coiled around a bolt, and connecting it to a battery)

Lab Zone 

Space and Technology

~How can you make a star finder?
(constellations can found throughout the year using this)

Lab Zone 

Space and Technology

~How can you compare the size of planets?
(cutout models of the planets were used to measure the diameter and compare the sizes of the planets)